Overriding Styles (Utility Props)

We understand that styling components using sx props can be a bit challenging to learn. To simplify this process, we offer the option to pass utility props to any Styled Component. Internally, these utility props are converted into sx props
Let's explore how you can utilize these utility props.

Basic styling

You can apply aliases and styling props directly to the component.
<StyledButton borderColor="$grey600" bg="$grey700" borderRadius="$md" />
In the above example, you can apply alaises or styles directly to the component, and it will work seamlessly.
This will turn into :
sx={{ borderColor: "$grey600", bg: "$grey700", borderRadius: "$md" }}

Complex styling

You can also handle more intricate styling, such as styles for different states, colormode, media queries, and descendants.
  • To achieve this, you can use the $ prefix and specify the entire property path, like $hover-bg followed by its corresponding value.
  • We provide comprehensive TypeScript support for single-level utility props, including aliases and styles in the format ${states/media/colormode/platform/descendants}-{aliases / style}.
  • For something like $hover-sm-bg, TypeScript suggestions are not available, but you can write props prefixed with ${states/media/colormode/platform/descendants}-*.
This will turn into :
flexDirection: "column",
":hover": {
bg: "$primary600",
_text: {
":hover": {
color: "$text800",
"@md": {
flexDirection: "row",

More utility props

If your component's props become cluttered when using the above utility props, we offer support for an object-based approach to improve code maintainability.
$md={{ flexDirection: "row" }}
bg: "$primary600",
_text: {
color: "$text800",
  • In this case, you can specify states, colormode, media queries, and descendants in object form, prefixed with $. These objects take sx properties as values.
  • We have provided complete TypeScript support for this approach as well.
This will turn into :
flexDirection: "column",
":hover": {
bg: "$primary600",
_text: {
":hover": {
color: "$text800",
"@md": {
flexDirection: "row",