
Status indicators notify users of important system, feature, or page conditions that require attention.
API Reference
This is an illustration of Alert component.
import { Alert, AlertText, AlertIcon } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { InfoIcon } from "@/components/ui/icon"
function Example() {
return (
<Alert action="muted" variant="solid">
<AlertIcon as={InfoIcon} />
<AlertText>Description of alert!</AlertText>


Run the following command:

npx gluestack-ui add alert

API Reference

To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import { Alert, AlertIcon, AlertText } from "@/components/ui/alert"
export default () => (
<AlertIcon />
<AlertText />

Component Props

This section provides a comprehensive reference list for the component props, detailing descriptions, properties, types, and default behavior for easy project integration.


Contains all alert related layout style props and actions. It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.


It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.


Contains all spinner related layout style props and actions. It inherits all the properties of React Native's Text component.


Alert component is created using View component from react-native. It extends all the props supported by React Native View.


error | warning | success | info | muted
solid | outline


The Examples section provides visual representations of the different variants of the component, allowing you to quickly and easily determine which one best fits your needs. Simply copy the code and integrate it into your project.

Alert with CTA

import { Alert, AlertText } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { Button, ButtonText } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { VStack } from "@/components/ui/vstack"
import { Icon, CloseIcon } from "@/components/ui/icon"
function Example() {
return (
className="gap-4 max-w-[585px] w-full self-center items-start min-[400px]:items-center"
<VStack className="gap-4 min-[400px]:flex-row justify-between flex-1 min-[400px]:items-center">
<AlertText className="font-semibold text-typography-900" size="sm">
Verify your phone number to create an API key
<Button size="sm" className="hidden sm:flex">
<ButtonText>Start verification</ButtonText>
<Icon as={CloseIcon} />

Alert on cloud sync

import { Alert, AlertText, AlertIcon } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { Button, ButtonText } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { HStack } from "@/components/ui/hstack"
import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"
import { VStack } from "@/components/ui/vstack"
import { RepeatIcon } from "@/components/ui/icon"
function Example() {
return (
className="gap-4 max-w-[516px] w-full flex-row flex py-4 items-start self-center"
<AlertIcon as={RepeatIcon} className="mt-1" />
<HStack className="justify-between flex-1 items-center gap-1 sm:gap-8">
<VStack className="flex-1">
<Text className="font-semibold text-typography-900">
Sync is disabled
<AlertText className="text-typography-900" size="sm">
Enable cloud sync to help safeguard your data
<Button size="xs">
<ButtonText>Turn on</ButtonText>

Warning alert

import { Alert, AlertText, AlertIcon } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"
import { Bomb } from "lucide-react-native"
function Example() {
return (
<Alert action="error" className="gap-3">
<AlertIcon as={Bomb} size="lg" />
<AlertText className="text-typography-900" size="sm">
<Text className="mr-2 font-semibold text-typography-900">
Heads up:
Once done, this action cannot be undone

Alert on confirm password modal

import { Alert, AlertText, AlertIcon } from "@/components/ui/alert"
import { Button, ButtonText } from "@/components/ui/button"
import { Heading } from "@/components/ui/heading"
import { Input, InputField, InputIcon, InputSlot } from "@/components/ui/input"
import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"
import { VStack } from "@/components/ui/vstack"
import { EyeIcon, EyeOffIcon, InfoIcon } from "@/components/ui/icon"
import React from "react"
function Example() {
const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = React.useState(false)
const handleState = () => {
setShowPassword((showState) => {
return !showState
return (
<VStack className="gap-5 sm:gap-8 p-6 sm:p-9 border border-outline-200 bg-background-0 rounded-xl shadow-hard-5 w-full max-w-[423px]">
<VStack className="items-center gap-1">
<Heading size="xl">Confirm our password?</Heading>
<VStack className="gap-3 sm:gap-5">
<Input className="rounded-md" size="sm">
type={showPassword ? "text" : "password"}
placeholder="Enter password"
<InputSlot className="mr-3" onPress={handleState}>
as={showPassword ? EyeIcon : EyeOffIcon}
<Button className="w-full rounded-md" size="sm">
<Alert className="items-start" action="muted">
<AlertIcon as={InfoIcon} size="xs" className="stroke-background-500" />
<AlertText className="text-typography-600" size="xs">
Minimum 8 characters, with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1
number required.