Upgrade to gluestack-ui v2 with Codemod
This guide provides detailed steps to upgrade from gluestack-ui v1 to gluestack-ui v2. With codemod you can automate the process of code transformations, making it easier and faster to migrate your project to gluestack-ui v2. By following this guide, you'll ensure a smooth transition with minimal manual adjustments.
gluestack-ui v1 Usage Scenarios:
gluestack-ui v1 users can be divided into three scenarios:
- Scenario 1 : Users who imported the gluestack-ui configuration from @gluestack-ui/config.
- Scenario 2 : Users who exported the gluestack-ui configuration and made modifications to it (gluestack-ui.config.ts).
- Scenario 3 : Users who exported components as well.
At this time, we fully support migration for users in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 using codemod.
Overview of Steps to Follow (for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 Users)
- Step1:Initialize gluestack-ui v2: npx gluestack-ui@latest init
- Step2:Setup Tailwind CSS: import "@/global.css"
- Step3:Add All Components: npx gluestack-ui@latest add --all
- Step4:Code Migration: npx @gluestack-ui/v2-codemod@latest <project_dir>
Step 1 : Initialize gluestack-ui v2
Run the below command to setup the project:
npx gluestack-ui@latest init
To refer more about the gluestack-ui v2 installation, check this.
Important Note
Installation using gluestack-ui CLI in Expo projects supports for Expo SDK 50 and above only. For Expo SDK < 49, please refer to the manual installation guide here.
Step 2 : Setup Tailwind CSS
Import global.css / globals.css where Tailwind directives are defined.
import { GluestackUIProvider } from "@/components/ui/gluestack-ui-provider"import "@/global.css"export default function App() {return <GluestackUIProvider>{/* Your code */}</GluestackUIProvider>}
Step 3 : Add All Components
To add all the components run the following command:
npx gluestack-ui@latest add --all
You can add only the necessary components instead of including all. Check here.
npx gluestack-ui@latest add heading
Step 4 : Code Migration
The gluestack-ui v2 migration process has been streamlined with the creation of a codemod. This codemod automates the conversion of your existing v1 code to v2, ensuring a smooth transition. Here’s what the codemod does:
Style Migration:
- It migrates all your existing stylings in v1 code to the appropriate v2 code.
- The migrated styles will match the styling conventions used in NativeWind.
Config Migration:
- If you have a custom v1 configuration, the codemod will also migrate this configuration to be compatible with v2.
- Descendant Styling ( As it’s not supported in NativeWind at the moment)
- Value of sx prop is variable
Please proceed with the following steps to continue the migration:
With Codemod
Run the following command :
npx @gluestack-ui/v2-codemod@latest <project_dir>
Limitations (Descendant Styling) :
- Descendant styling will not be resolved and we’ll keep it as it is.
- You can update it manually by moving it to the respective element where the style is required
//Before:import { Box, Text } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box bg="$red500" sx={{ _text: { color: "white" } }}><Text>Simple Text</Text></Box>)}//After:import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"//descendant style will remain as it is.export default function App() {return (<BoxclassName="bg-red-500"//Todo: Change this manuallysx={{ _text: { color: "white" } }}><Text>Simple Text</Text></Box>)}//Manual Changes://Update the descendant styling:import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"//descendant style will remain as it is.//color:'white' --> text-whiteexport default function App() {return (<Box className="bg-red-500"><Text className="text-white">Simple Text</Text></Box>)}
Examples of some property combinations :
Applying styles in different color modes (light/dark) :
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box sx={{ _dark: { bg: "$primary100" } }} bg="$primary300">Simple Text</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"export default function App() {return <Box className="dark:bg-primary-100 bg-primary-300">Simple Text</Box>}
Applying styles for different media queries (sm/md/lg) using @:
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box sx={{ "@sm": { bg: "$background100" } }} bg="$background500">Simple Box</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"export default function App() {return (<Box className="sm:bg-background-100 bg-background-500">Simple Box</Box>)}
Applying styles for different media queries (sm/md/lg) using $ :
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box $sm={{ bg: "$background100" }} bg="$background500">Simple Box</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"export default function App() {return (<Box className="sm:bg-background-100 bg-background-500">Simple Box</Box>)}
Applying basic layout stylings :
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box mt="$4" pb="$2">Simple Box</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"export default function App() {return <Box className="mt-4 pb-2">Simple Box</Box>}
Applying basic layout stylings in different color modes :
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box $md-dark={{ mt: "$4" }} $md-light={{ mt: "$2" }} pb="$2">Simple Box</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"//By default if you don't mention any mode it's take light mode.export default function App() {return <Box className="md:dark:mt-4 md:mt-2 pb-2">Simple Box</Box>}
Applying styles for different action states (hover/active etc..,) :
import { Box } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Box $md-hover={{ bg: "$background500" }} $md={{ bg: "$background700" }}>Simple</Box>)}
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"//If not mentioned any mode explicitly then it's gonna take light mode only.export default function App() {return (<Box className="md:hover:bg-background-500 md:bg-background-700">Simple</Box>)}
Applying styles for different platforms (mobile/web/android/ios) :
import { Text } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Textsx={{_ios: {marginTop: "$1",},_android: {marginTop: "$2",},}}>gluestack-ui</Text>)}
import { Text } from "@/components/text"export default function App() {return <Text className="ios:mt-1 android:mt-2">gluestack-ui</Text>}
Applying styles for different color modes at different media queries :
import { Center } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<Centerpx="$4"mb={-0.5}sx={{"@base": {_light: { bg: "$backgroundLight0" },_dark: { bg: "$backgroundDark800" },},"@md": {py: "$48",px: "$12",_light: { bg: "$primary500" },_dark: { bg: "$primary700" },},}}></Center>)}
import { Center } from "@/components/center"export default function App() {return (<Center className="px-4 mb-0.5 bg-background-0 dark:bg-background800 md:py-48 md:px-12 md:bg-primary-500 md:dark:bg-primary-700"></Center>)}
Descendant Styling (this type of styling is not supported by NativeWind) :
import { CheckboxLabel, Text } from "@gluestack-ui/themed"export default function App() {return (<CheckboxLabelsx={{bg: "$blue500",_text: {fontSize: "$sm",color: "$primary500",},}}><Text>gluestack-ui</Text></CheckboxLabel>)}
import { CheckboxLabel } from "@/components/checkbox"import { Text } from "@/components/text"// we need to remove the descendant styling from parent element and add that// styling to all the child elementsexport default function App() {return (<CheckboxLabel className="bg-blue-500"><Text className="text-sm text-primary-500">gluestack-ui