alpha, RSC
Show a placeholder during content loading to indicate that the content is being fetched.
API Reference
This is an illustration of Skeleton component.
import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"import { HStack } from "@/components/ui/hstack"import { Skeleton, SkeletonText } from "@/components/ui/skeleton"function Example() {return (<Box className="w-[325px] gap-4 p-3 rounded-md bg-background-100"><Skeleton variant="sharp" className="h-[150px]" /><SkeletonText _lines={3} className="h-3" /><HStack className="gap-2 align-middle"><Skeleton variant="circular" className="h-[24px] w-[24px] mr-2" /><SkeletonText _lines={2} gap={1} className="h-2 w-2/5" /></HStack></Box>)}
Run the following command:
npx gluestack-ui add skeleton
API Reference
To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import { Skeleton, SkeletonText } from "@/components/ui/skeleton"
export default () => (<Box className="gap-2"><Skeleton variant="rounded" className="h-32 w-64" /><SkeletonText className="h-4 w-64 " /></Box>)
Component Props
This section provides a comprehensive reference list for the component props, detailing descriptions, properties, types, and default behavior for easy project integration.
Renders a <div /> on web and a Animated.View on native and has the following properties:
Platform | Output |
Web | <div /> |
Native | <View /> |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
variant | rounded | sharp | circular | rounded | Shape of the skeleton component |
startColor | string | bg-background-200 | Sets the color of the skeleton animation |
isLoaded | bool | false | When true, the skeleton content will be displayed |
speed | number | 2 | Sets the animation speed of the skeleton component |
Renders a <div /> on web and a Animated.View on native and has the following properties:
Platform | Output |
Web | <div /> |
Native | <View /> |
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
_lines | number | - | Number of lines in text skeleton |
startColor | string | bg-background-200 | Sets the color of the skeleton animation |
isLoaded | bool | false | When true, the skeleton content will be displayed |
speed | number | 2 | Sets the animation speed of the skeleton component |
gap | number | - | Sets the gap between the text skeletons |
The Examples section provides visual representations of the different variants of the component, allowing you to quickly and easily determine which one best fits your needs. Simply copy the code and integrate it into your project.
Using isLoaded prop
Use the isLoaded prop to show the content after the skeleton content is loaded.
import { Avatar, AvatarFallbackText } from "@/components/ui/avatar"import { Box } from "@/components/ui/box"import { HStack } from "@/components/ui/hstack"import { Image } from "@/components/ui/image"import { Skeleton } from "@/components/ui/skeleton"import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"import { VStack } from "@/components/ui/vstack"function Example() {return (<Box className="w-[290px] h-[400px] p-4 rounded-sm bg-background-100 gap-3"><Skeletonvariant="rounded"className="h-44 w-64 rounded-sm"isLoaded={false}><ImageclassName="h-44 w-64 rounded-sm"source={{uri: "",}}/></Skeleton><VStack className="gap-2"><Text className="text-primary-700 text-sm">May 15, 2023</Text><Text className="text-primary-900 font-bold">The Power of Positive Thinking</Text><Text className="text-primary-700 text-sm">Discover how the power of positive thinking can transform your life,boost your confidence, and help you overcome challenges.</Text></VStack><HStack className="gap-2"><Avatar size="xs"><AvatarFallbackText>John Smith</AvatarFallbackText></Avatar><Text className="text-sm font-bold">John Smith</Text></HStack></Box>)}