A sliding panel that emerges from the edge of the screen to reveal additional content or navigation options..
API Reference
Important Note
This is the documentation for gluestack-ui v2 (beta). For @gluestack-ui/themed (stable) documentation, refer to gluestack-ui v1.
This is an illustration of Drawer component.
function App() {const [showDrawer, setShowDrawer] = React.useState(false)return (<><ButtononPress={() => {setShowDrawer(true)}}><ButtonText>Show Drawer</ButtonText></Button><DrawerisOpen={showDrawer}onClose={() => {setShowDrawer(false)}}size="sm"anchor="left"><DrawerBackdrop /><DrawerContent><DrawerHeader><Heading size="3xl">Heading</Heading></DrawerHeader><DrawerBody><Text size="2xl" className="text-typography-800">This is a sentence.</Text></DrawerBody><DrawerFooter><ButtononPress={() => {setShowDrawer(false)}}className="flex-1"><ButtonText>Button</ButtonText></Button></DrawerFooter></DrawerContent></Drawer></>)}
Run the following command:
npx gluestack-ui add drawer
API Reference
To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import {Drawer,DrawerBackdrop,DrawerContent,DrawerHeader,DrawerCloseButton,DrawerBody,DrawerFooter,} from "@/components/ui/drawer"
export default () => (<Drawer><DrawerBackdrop /><DrawerContent><DrawerHeader><DrawerCloseButton></DrawerCloseButton></DrawerHeader><DrawerBody /><DrawerFooter /></DrawerContent></Drawer>)
Component Props
This section provides a comprehensive reference list for the component props, detailing descriptions, properties, types, and default behavior for easy project integration.
Contains all View related layout style props and actions. It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
isOpen | boolean | - | If true, the drawer will open. Useful for controllable state behavior. |
onClose | () => any | - | Callback invoked when the drawer is closed. |
defaultIsOpen | boolean | - | Specifies the default open state of the Drawer |
initialFocusRef | React.RefObject<any> | - | The ref of element to receive focus when the drawer opens. |
finalFocusRef | React.RefObject<any> | - | The ref of element to receive focus when the drawer closes |
avoidKeyboard | boolean | - | If true, the Drawer will avoid the keyboard. |
closeOnOverlayClick | boolean | - | If true, the Drawer will close when the overlay is clicked. |
isKeyboardDismissable | boolean | - | If true, the keyboard can dismiss the Drawer |
children | any | - | The content to display inside the Drawer |
It is React Native's Pressable component, created using @legendapp/motion's createMotionAnimatedComponent function to add animation to the component. You can use any declarative animation library you prefer.
It is @legendapp/motion's Motion.View component. You can use any declarative animation library you prefer.
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
focusable | boolean | false | If true, Drawer Content will be focusable. |
It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.
It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.
It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component
It inherits all the properties of React Native's View component.
Modal component is created using View component from react-native. It extends all the props supported by React Native View, utility props and the props mentioned below.
Name | Value | Default |
size | xs | sm | md | lg | full | sm |
anchor | left | right | top | bottom | left |
The Examples section provides visual representations of the different variants of the component, allowing you to quickly and easily determine which one best fits your needs. Simply copy the code and integrate it into your project.
function App() {const [showDrawer, setShowDrawer] = React.useState(false)const [categories, setCategories] = React.useState([])const [brands, setBrands] = React.useState([])const [colors, setColors] = React.useState([])return (<><ButtononPress={() => {setShowDrawer(true)}}><ButtonText>Show Drawer</ButtonText></Button><DrawerisOpen={showDrawer}onClose={() => {setShowDrawer(false)}}><DrawerBackdrop /><DrawerContent className="px-4 py-3 w-[270px] md:w-[300px]"><DrawerHeader><Heading size="md">FILTERS</Heading><Buttonvariant="link"size="xs"onPress={() => {setCategories([])setBrands([])setColors([])}}><ButtonText>Clear All</ButtonText></Button></DrawerHeader><DrawerBody className="gap-4 mt-0 mb-0"><VStack className="pl-2 py-3"><Text className="font-semibold" size="sm">Categories</Text><Divider className="my-1" /><CheckboxGroupvalue={categories}onChange={(keys) => {setCategories(keys)}}><VStack className="gap-3 mt-3 ml-1"><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="tops" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Tops</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(143,234)</Text></HStack><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="bottoms" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Bottoms</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(5,431,234)</Text></HStack><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="shoes" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Shoes</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(98,234)</Text></HStack><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="accessories" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Accessories</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(91,234)</Text></HStack></VStack></CheckboxGroup></VStack><VStack className="pl-2 py-3"><Text className="font-semibold">Brands</Text><Divider className="my-1" /><CheckboxGroupvalue={brands}onChange={(keys) => {setBrands(keys)}}><VStack className="gap-3 mt-3 ml-1"><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="tops" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Allen Solly</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(1,234)</Text></HStack><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="bottoms" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Adidas</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs">(524)</Text></HStack><HStack className="items-center gap-1"><Checkbox value="shoes" size="sm"><CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxIcon as={CheckIcon} /></CheckboxIndicator><CheckboxLabel>Nike</CheckboxLabel></Checkbox><Text className="text-typography-500" size="xs