
A LinearGradient component is a reusable graphical element that helps create linear gradients as background or styling effects within UI elements. A linear gradient is a gradual transition between two or more colors, creating a smooth progression of color changes along a straight line.
API Reference
Important Note
This is the documentation for gluestack-ui v2 (beta). For @gluestack-ui/themed (stable) documentation, refer to gluestack-ui v1.
This is an illustration of Linear Gradient component in App.tsx file.
import "./global.css"
import React, { useState } from "react"
import { Input, InputField, InputIcon, InputSlot } from "@/components/ui/input"
import { SafeAreaView } from "@/components/ui/safe-area-view"
import { GluestackUIProvider } from "@/components/ui/gluestack-ui-provider"
import { LinearGradient } from "@/components/ui/linear-gradient"
import { Heading } from "@/components/ui/heading"
import { Text } from "@/components/ui/text"
import { Center } from "@/components/ui/center"
import { Mail } from "lucide-react-native"
export default function App() {
const [colorMode, setColorMode] = useState<"dark" | "light">("light")
return (
<SafeAreaView className="flex-1 justify-center items-center">
<GluestackUIProvider mode={colorMode}>
<Center className="rounded-xl bg-background-0 p-8 m-6 web:max-w-[400px]">
<Heading size="xl">Stay up to date</Heading>
<Text className="text-center leading-[22px] my-2">
Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and product updates.
className="w-full rounded-full my-3"
<InputField placeholder="" />
<InputSlot className="pr-3">
color={colorMode === "light" ? "#525252" : "#DBDBDC"}
className="w-full rounded-full items-center py-2"
colors={["#8637CF", "#0F55A1"]}
start={[0, 1]}
end={[1, 0]}
<Text className="text-white font-semibold">Subscribe</Text>


Step 1: Install the following dependencies:

npx expo install expo-linear-gradient

Step 2: Copy and paste the following code into your project.

"use client"
import React from "react"
import { tva } from "@gluestack-ui/nativewind-utils/tva"
import { LinearGradient as ExpoLinearGradient } from "expo-linear-gradient"
import { cssInterop } from "nativewind"
cssInterop(ExpoLinearGradient, {
className: "style",
const linearGradientStyle = tva({
base: "",
export const LinearGradient = React.forwardRef(
({ className, ...props }: any, ref?: any) => {
return (
className={linearGradientStyle({ class: className })}

Step 3: Update the import paths to match your project setup.

API Reference

To use this component in your project, include the following import statement in your file.
import { LinearGradient } from "@/components/ui/linear-gradient"
export default () => <LinearGradient />