
The architecture of gluestack-style is based on the concept of styled components, which enhances existing components to make them customizable and themeable. It includes several features, such as state-based styling, variant support, platform-based styling, color mode support, media query support, context-based styling, and styling for descendant components.
The library provides a styled function that takes a React component and returns a new component with the styles applied. This function also accepts style properties, variants, state properties (:hover, :active etc), media query properties (@sm, @md, etc.) and descendant selectors to apply styles based on different conditions.
The library also has a StyledProvider component that accepts a config prop for configuration.This provider is utilized for setting the theme tokens and breakpoints used by the library. A flush function is also provided for server-side rendering.
The library generates unique style identifiers for each style object, which are stored in a styleIds map.This enables the calculation of style specificity.
Custom theming is possible by allowing users to provide their own theme tokens, which can be used to customize the styles of components. The library also supports media queries and responsive design by allowing for the configuration of breakpoints. Styles can also be overridden using the sx prop or reduced verbosity with aliases.
In summary, gluestack-style provides a powerful and flexible styling solution for React components with support for various styling features and custom theming. It allows for responsive design, style overrides, and reduced verbosity, but may have limitations when used with certain components or libraries.
Furthermore, gluestack-style supports custom theming and media queries, as well as overriding styles using the sx prop, and reducing verbosity with aliases.
In summary, gluestack-style offers a flexible and powerful styling solution for React components, supporting various styling features, custom theming, and responsive design

Web vs React native

gluestack-style provides a flexible and performant solution for styling both React and React Native applications. However, the implementation between these two platforms can differ, and it is important to understand these differences in order to take full advantage of the library.
For web development, gluestack-style generates CSS declaration blocks and applies them to HTML elements using data-style attributes. The library uses style ids to track the styles and update them dynamically, making it a performant styling solution. When the state of a component changes, the library attaches and removes specific data-style attributes to the element to reflect the updated styles.
In React Native development, gluestack-style uses a global stylesheet to store styles and apply them to components using a StyleSheet API. The styles are generated based on the style ids, and the library updates the styles dynamically. When the state of a component changes, the library pushes and pops new stylesheets to the element to reflect the updated styles.
In both web and React Native applications, gluestack-style utilizes a Babel plugin to perform calculations during build time, ensuring optimal performance during runtime. The library also provides a flexible API for configuring tokens, variants, and sizes, making it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel across your entire application.
In summary, while the implementation of gluestack-style library may differ between web and React Native applications, the underlying goal is the same: to provide a performant and flexible solution for styling your application.